2010 Was a great year, yet very busy, as some might notice by my lack of posts on here. The year started with a baby on the way, Luke, who was born April 27. It put a little slow down in some of the dog stuff, but I still managed to get out some. In the mean time Erin and I were shopping for our first house, which we bought in Lowell and moved in around mid May. The house did not require much work, but the process of moving along with getting settled, especially with a newborn was a little timely. In the mix of this, Erin also graduated from medical school in the beginning of May, becoming a doctor, where she also found out earlier in the year, that she would be doing her residency in Grand Rapids for Ob/Gyn. If that wasn't enough, her sister graduated from dental school in Milwaukee a couple weeks later, where we traveled with the little guy on his first real trip. About a month later, I was in one of my high school friends wedding, and then another month or so my brother got married, and then in October Erin's sister got married. Along with a couple of other friends weddings, this has been the busiest summer of my life, along with the bachelor parties that went along with them.

This was the Fricke's first Christmas in our new house, with our beautiful baby boy, and Ottimer. The other dogs are here in spirit, enjoying the holidays from the kennel. Luke enjoyed his first holiday season as much as an eight month old could, probably overwhelmed at times.

Deer season was fun as always, with a nice eight point harvested during the shotgun season. I had a few encounters with some shooter bucks during bow season but none that offered a good shot opportunity. I also filled the freezer with a doe, and donated a couple more to some people.

This is Erin, Luke and I at her graduation from Michigan State University as she became an M.D. I am so proud of her, no one can really know how hard these guys actually work to get to where they are. It makes me tired just watching how hard she studies and works along the way.

Dave Terhaar and I with Elvis and Coco after a solid day in the U.P. for the grouse opener. We had a blast as always and had a great week up there. We shot a lot of birds, and had some of the best dog work we have ever had in terms of number of different dogs that were producing birds consistently. It was fun, we were there with good friends, dogs, food, and fun.

Sunrise on the lake at the cabin, nothing better than cold mornings in the U.P. with grouse dogs and plenty of covers to be had. Makes you wish for fall year round.

Some nice grey phases with the double. These truly are the king of game birds, and are especially rewarding in early season when they are a very challenging shot with all of the cover.
Coco after a great day of hunting. She is as good of dog as I have had, now a first year shooting dog, she has shown a great ability to find and handle grouse. I am excited for her future, she still has some maturing to do, but was sure fun to gun over this year, as well as showing the ability to be competitive at the shooting dog level. She is currently being bred to 3x Ch Terhaar's Rocko. I am hoping to be able to get her into shape for some spring trials, we will see how everything pans out.